Hey everybody! -------------- webgen 0.5.7 has just been released! If you don''t know what webgen is, read the "What''s webgen?" section down below. This announcement is also available at http://webgen.rubyforge.org/news/release_0_5_7.html Although this is a just a minor interim release, the 0.5.x series is declared stable with this release and should be used instead of the old stable 0.4.x series! The one exception is when you rely on features of the 0.4.x series that have not been ported to 0.5.x yet. Aside from this this release brings some new features, various issues were fixed and the homepage was updated sothat the current version and release date are visible from the start page. Changes ------- * Major enhancements: - 0.5.x series declared the new stable webgen series * Minor enhancements: - Added two very useful options to [ContentProcessor::Blocks][1] - Added one new option to [Tag::LangBar][3] - Added `.ico` as extension that is handled by [SourceHandler::Copy][2] (suggested by Matthias Kirschner) - Added detection of non webgen website - Updated API and user documentation - Current webgen version and release date visible on start date (tip from Sebastian Gassner) - The webgen CLI now uses the environment variable `WEBGEN_WEBSITE` instead of the current directory as the location of the webgen website if the switch `-d` is not specified * Bug fixes: - Fixed a small bug in Common::Sitemap: directories with just an index file did not appear in the sitemap (reported by Damien Robert) - Removed causes of Ruby code warnings [1]: http://webgen.rubyforge.org/documentation/contentprocessor/blocks.html [2]: http://webgen.rubyforge.org/documentation/sourcehandler/copy.html [3]: http://webgen.rubyforge.org/documentation/tag/langbar.html What''s webgen? -------------- webgen is a tool to generate static websites by combining content with template files. You create one or more template files in which you define the layout of your page and where the content should go. After that you create page files in which you only define the content. You can use a variety of markup languages like Textile or Markdown or Haml to define your content and you can add dynamic parts via ERB or by using webgen tags. This allows the automatic generation of menus, breadcrumb trails and much more! Installation ------------ gem install webgen Usage ----- See http://webgen.rubyforge.org/documentation/