rspec version 1.2.5 has been released! * <> * <> * <> * <rspec-devel at> Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby. Changes: ### Version 1.2.5 / 2009-04-29 * enhancements * name argument to mock/stub is now optional (closes #782) * you can do mock(:foo => "woo", :bar => "car") * expect { this_block }.to change{this.expression}.from(old_value).to(new_value) * expect { this_block }.to raise_error * better failiure messages for equal matcher (James Byrne). Closes #804. * add stub_chain method * also alias_method :stub, :stub!, so you can stub with less bang * added options to example_group_proxy * bug fixes * ensure correct handling of ordered message expectations with duplicate expectations (NigelThorne). Closes #793. * get matcher backwards compat working w/ ruby 19 * don''t define instance_exec unless it is not defined * was doing a version check, but turns out that didn''t cover alternative implementations like JRuby * fix bug where in some circumstances, loading lib/spec/interop/test.rb raised an error (tsechingho). Closes #803. * make sure specs only run against spec server when using drb (patch from Chuck Grindel). Closes #797. * remove deprecation warning in example_pending when using FailingExamplesFormatter. Closes #794. * Access explicit subject from nested groups of arbitrary depth. Closes #756. * <> * <> * <> * <rspec-devel at>