On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:55 PM, James Byrne <lists at ruby-forum.com>
wrote:> This is a question of technique. ?To what degree do projects generally
> test page/report layouts? ?Do you just check to see if the expected data
> is present or do you also check that the layout is presentable?
We use humans to check layout and presentation since it''s visual and
not something that can be determined correct by a program in a
reasonably maintainable way (at least IMO).
We use scenarios and specs to ensure that the application is providing
the right display of information from the system, and the proper
form/inputs that people should be able to access through the app.
We find the combination gives us a good flexibility to change the UI
while being confident that the app is still doing everything it should
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Zach Dennis