On Jan 2, 2009, at 6:24 AM, Mark Foster wrote:
> Following up on a previous post about who to Cc: for vuxml updates.
> As it was left, we were supposed to cc: freebsd-vuxml list it seems.
> Well I signed up for the list weeks ago and after confirming, was
> told my request was sent to the moderator for approval (nectar@?).
> I have not heard back.
> Eygene is the only poster to that list in months.
> Please open the list to public or get the moderator back in the loop.
> Also it is completely unclear whether secteam@ still wants to
> receive vuxml update submissions. My guess is not, but guesswork is
> silly.
Why would you guess it's not?
We try to document as much as possible, so every contribution to the
VuXML document is appreciated. Please do not think that we do not need
VuXML updates :)
One of the reasons that might tell why the -vuxml list isn't being
used that much, is because we get few VuXML contributions from others,
and if we do get them they are mostly attached in port-pr's which are
then submitted to our team for evalution. There are a number of people
doing it like that and that also works out fine.
So I believe that we do want to receive VuXML updates on secteam@
If you have questions about the FreeBSD Security Team / VuXML please
let me/us know.
/"\ Best regards, | remko@FreeBSD.org
\ / Remko Lodder | remko@EFnet
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