So I added mem=3072 to the end of the line: kernel /vmlinuz- ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet in grub.conf and rebooted. I get a post beep and then: PANIC: early exception 0e rip 10:ffffffff81025977 error 0 cr2 ffffffffff5fc0f0 So I obviously did something wrong but do not know what or how to fix it.
[quote="tparker"]So I added mem=3072 to the end of the line[/quote] Try mem=3G
Thanks I will try mem=3G when I can. Does anyone know how I get past the kernel panic to re-edit grub.conf? The system does have another kernel listed when I try the system recovery option (F11) just before the panic, but when that loads all I have is a blinking line cursor to type at, no log in options and no idea what to do.