I've noticed a small typo in `help("varClasses",
"nlme")`. Contrary to
what the "Note" says, variance classes need a method for `Initialize`
(capital i) and not `initialize`.
Best regards,
Dr. Roland Fu?
Th?nen-Institut f?r Agrarklimaschutz/
Th?nen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture
Bundesallee 65
D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany
Tel./Webex: ++49 531 25701967
Email: roland.fuss at thuenen.de
Arbeitsgruppe "Emissionsberichterstattung"/
Working group "Emission Inventories"
Email: emissionsinventare at thuenen.de
Das Johann Heinrich von Th?nen-Institut,
Bundesforschungsinstitut f?r L?ndliche R?ume,
Wald und Fischerei ? kurz: Th?nen-Institut ?
besteht aus 15 Fachinstituten, die in den
Bereichen ?konomie, ?kologie und Technologie
forschen und die Politik beraten.
The Johann Heinrich von Th?nen Institute,
Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas,
Forestry and Fisheries ? Th?nen Institute in brief ?
consists of 15 specialized institutes that
carry out research and provide policy advice
in the fields of economy, ecology and technology.