hi.... i have problems with convert plugin, because he delete the message maildir inbox (i dont know this is't right)... i set dovecot (Dovecot v1.0.7) to listen with pop and imap protocols... for example.... if user1 sends to user2 a msg via pop3 or imap, i can see the msg in user2 imap account, but when i read messages from user2 pop account, i see the message, but the message was deleted from imap account.... ?:(? these are my settings about this issue: mail_location: maildir:/export/home/vmail/prueba/%n mail_plugins(imap): quota imap_quota convert mail_plugins(pop3): quota convert pop3_uidl_format(default): pop3_uidl_format(imap): pop3_uidl_format(pop3): %u plugin: quota: maildir convert_mail: mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/export/home/vmail/prueba/%u maybe i not understand yet wich if this plugin do :( thanks!!! :)