Hi, I am trying to use Text::Markdown under HTML::Mason (mod_perl) and I get this error when calling markdown(text): Eval-group not allowed at runtime, use re 'eval' in regex m/ ( # wrap whole match in $1 !\[ (.*?) # alt text = $2 \] .../ at /usr/share/perl5/Text/Markdown.pm line 751. Adding "use re 'eval';" to my startup.pl file didn't help. What is the fix? Thanks, -- http://www.lesculturelles.net
* Louis-David Mitterrand <vindex+lists-markdown-discuss at apartia.org> [2008-10-23 13:55]:> What is the fix?You have to patch Text::Markdown to add that line to the block the regex is in. I see you have already filed a bug against Text::Markdown, excellent. Regards, -- Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>