On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 08:19:51AM -0800, John Liang
wrote:> HI There,
> Does plockstat mutex-block have the same arg1 for the sleep time
> as lockstat provider does?
> I checked the online doc and did not see it.
The doc is correct. With the plockstat provider -- unlike the lockstat
provider -- the block probe fires at the start of the blocking operation.
You can enable the acquire probe to find out how long long we blocked for.
If you run plockstat(1M) with the -V it will actually show you the D
script used internally.
In Solaris Express and OpenSolaris, you can use the mutex-blocked probe
instead of mutex-acquire to reduce overhead a bit. As in Solaris 10, you
can see plockstat(1M)''s use of that probe in the -V output.
Adam Leventhal, Solaris Kernel Development http://blogs.sun.com/ahl