Hi all, Here is a fragment dtrace script, I included it in my C program. static const char *g_prog "sdt:::callout-start" "{" " @callouts[((callout_t *)arg0)->c_func] = count();" "}" I know "printa("%40a %10 at d\n", @callout)" will print "module`symbol-name" and count. But how to achieve this in C program in libdtrace? Is there any existing examples? I''ve read intrstat.c. I know I can get the name of "stringof(`devnamesp[this->devi->devi_major].dn_name)" by { dtrace_agggdata_t *data; dtrace_recdesc_t *nrec; name = data->dtada_data + nrec->dtrd_offset; } Is there any docs about libdtrace programming? Many thanks, -Aubrey