While I was sitting in the DTrace/"XRay" talks at Apple''s WWDC this past summer I was really taken away with the power of it all. So much, in fact, that I quickly registered and setup a simple placeholder site to collect and share such scripts while in the session since I couldn''t find such a beast at the time. Well, now that Leopard is out there and public, I''m starting to really work on that site and collect as many useful DTrace scripts and snippets as I can for both Mac OS X and Solaris and post and categorize them (as well as work up a few fun ones myself). I''d like to encourage anyone with some DTrace scripts that they use often to help out and post them as well as any useful snippets or full scripts they have and want to share. I''ve taken the liberty of doing numerous Google searches for scripts and have several "top ten" lists and small repositories that I''m sorting through and testing on MOSX to see if the attach points are standard or unique to Solaris. That said, the site''s for both platforms and scripts that are unique to one OS are welcome since users can easily browse and search by platform. If you have any feedback about it, feel free to reply to me directly or use the contact link on the site. http://www.dtracescripts.com/ Adam Knight "Every man is guilty of all the good he didn''t do." -- Voltaire