I could add some information to the blog I posted this morning about 6.5
if you think it would be a good addition.
Nasser Nouri wrote:> A new version (0.4) of NetBeans DTrace GUI plug-in is ready for download
from NetBeans Update Center.
> New features include:
> - Chime (the DTrace output visualization) is embedded into the NetBeans
DTrace GUI Plugin. Chime is fully integrated with NB DTrace GUI.
> - The new version of DTraceToolkit is integrated with the new release of NB
DTrace GUI. Users can debug and tune their Java, JavaScripts, PyThon, Ruby, Php,
C, C++, and etc. applications using the new version of DTrace GUI on Solaris
> - New & enhanced UI.
> - An Open-Sourced project at netbeans.org. Developers can participate in
future implementations such as DTrace Editor which includes DTrace code
completion, syntax checking, and code folding.
> - Works with Sun Studio IDE Express releases.
> - Works with NetBeans IDE 6.0, 6.1, and 6.5.
> For more information, see:
> http://www.netbeans.org/kb/docs/ide/NetBeans_DTrace_GUI_Plugin_0_4.html
> Thanks,
> __Nasser
> --
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> _______________________________________________
> dtrace-discuss mailing list
> dtrace-discuss at opensolaris.org
Terri Molini
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Global Communications, Open Source
408/404-4976 office
408/406-9021 mobile
GAIM: tmolini
It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably
precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence
never to practice either of them.
- Mark Twain
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