Peter Memishian
2006-Nov-28 21:19 UTC
[crossbow-discuss] merging with dladm/libdladm post-WiFi
Teams, As many of you are aware, the WiFi/GLDv3 wad that went into build 54 made extensive changes to dladm and libdladm. As such, some care will be needed when merging with build 54. Some things to be aware of: 1. Warnings and fatal errors in dladm.c are now handled by a set of new warn() and die() functions (their introduction shrank dladm.c by over 500 lines (12%) -- see 6496846 for details). Please be sure any new dladm.c code makes use of these routines, rather than naked fprintf() and gettext() calls. 2. Some other small general improvements, such as cmdfunc_t (for subcommand function declarations) and str2int() (for simple string->integer conversions) have been added. Please make use of these so that dladm.c remains consistent. 3. The libdladm library now has a dladm_status2str() function to map error status values to strings. Please be sure any new libdladm error codes you''ve introduced are known to it. Please let me or the rest of the WiFi team (wifi-dladm at know if any additional help is needed. Thanks! -- meem