Thanks, Scott. I tend to want to run the real thing to make sure the
code really does work.
On Sep 17, 2008, at 10:59 AM, rspec-users-request at wrote:
> Ultimately, it''s all about how comfortable you feel. Mocks will
> always smell bad with rails'' associations because of the law of
> demeter violations that it promotes. On the other hand, using real
> objects and saving to a database can be slow, but at least they give
> you some *feel* of the objects - that is, how they will actually be
> used in a production system.
> One thing that I''ve realized over the (2) years of testing that
> done is that testing is just as much about accustoming you to see
> relevant error message and their context as it is about getting a
> suite green or anything else. When a real bug pops up when
> integrating, or on staging, you''re almost immediately aware of
> place and cause. As I''ve replaced my test suite with mocks and
> I find that this is less and less true, and I have less and less
> confidence that I''m shipping really solid software.
> So, it''s always a tradeoff. Bend in the directly you feel more
> comfortable.
> Scott