Eric Borisch
2021-Feb-22 23:06 UTC
13.0-beta3: em/igb driver incoming bytes values doubled in netstat
The incoming bytes on an intel I211 (em/igb) are being counted twice somewhere in the path that is queried by netstat and zabbix_agentd (which definitely uses ifmib.) My 'cable' interface is dev.igb.0; the system is live, so counts are going to keep going up, too. $ sysctl dev.igb.0 | grep octet dev.igb.0.mac_stats.good_octets_txd: 4836948514 dev.igb.0.mac_stats.good_octets_recvd: 17402549118 $ netstat -I cable -b | column -t Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Idrop Ibytes Opkts Oerrs Obytes Coll cable 1500 <Link#1> 00:0d:b9:55:70:08 31197172 0 0 34681776974 9401856 0 4793050336 0 cable - 94275 - - 24989369 106396 - 9906685 - $ zabbix_agentd -t '[cable]'[cable] [u|34684619970] Note the octets_txd (which should be a little bigger than obytes) is very close to netstat's Obytes (obytes): 4836948514 ~= 4793050336 But octets_recvd (which should be a little bigger than ibytes) is ~ 1/2 of netstat/zabbix's (ifmib's) ibytes. 17402549118 ~= 34681776974 / 2 I can run known traffic across an interface, and the octets_recvd are hanging with the expected change, while netstat's and zabbix's are at 2x. I'm running a custom kernel, but I was running the same on 12.2, as well, and this only crept up on 13. I don't have 13 running on anything with different hardware to compare, unfortunately. Thanks for any suggestions, - Eric