phii m@iii@g oii phiiipsmith@c@
2021-Apr-26 00:39 UTC
[R] Writing a function that calls the gt() function
I am trying to write a function that produces a table using the gt() function. My reprex succeeds in producing a simple table by transposing a data frame and creating a table from it. But when I try to convert this code into a function, in order to generalize for a variety of different data frames, I get stuck trying to blank-out the first column name and make the other column names bold. How can I refer to the columns properly in the cols_label() function in a general way? Any help much appreciated. Phil \library(gt) library(tidyverse) # Create example data frame blank <- c("colnam1","colnam2","colnam3","colnam4","colnam5") rownam1 <- 1:5 rownam2 <- rnorm(5) df <- data.frame(blank=blank,rownam1=rownam1,rownam2=rownam2) # Transpose the data frame and prepare it for gt() tbl_df <- hold <- rownames(tbl_df) colnam <- tbl_df[1,] colnames(tbl_df) <- colnam tbl_df <- tbl_df[2:nrow(tbl_df),] rownames(tbl_df) <- NULL tbl_df <- mutate(tbl_df,blank=hold[2:length(hold)]) tbl_df <- select(tbl_df,blank,everything()) # Create the gt() table - this works gt_tbl <- gt(data=tbl_df) gt_tbl <- tab_options(gt_tbl,table.font.size=24, container.width = 900) gt_tbl <- tab_header(gt_tbl, title=md(html(paste0("**","Example title","**")))) gt_tbl <- cols_align(gt_tbl, align=c("left"), columns=vars(`blank`)) gt_tbl <- cols_label(gt_tbl, blank="", colnam1=md("**colnam1**"), colnam2=md("**colnam2**"), colnam3=md("**colnam3**"), colnam4=md("**colnam4**"), colnam5=md("**colnam5**")) gt_tbl # Now do the same = with a function tblfunc <- function(df) { gt_tbl <- gt(data=df) gt_tbl <- tab_options(gt_tbl,table.font.size=24, container.width = 900) gt_tbl <- tab_header(gt_tbl, title=md(html(paste0("**","Example title","**")))) gt_tbl <- cols_align(gt_tbl, align=c("left"), columns=vars(`blank`)) gt_tbl <- cols_label(gt_tbl, ????) }