Hai Some might wonder why these updates are so late.. Short version, my mom died last week and we moved with the office.. So... But yeah, im ok and sure it sucks, but in the end we all get to this point. So, crazy weeks, but it done.. And im back on track.. That aside.. so, 4.15.3 was already online, 4.14.11 is now online, please test and make the needed adjustment before put them in production, from the change logs.. Important Notes ==============There have been a few regressions in the security release 4.13.14: o CVE-2020-25717: A user on the domain can become root on domain members. https://www.samba.org/samba/security/CVE-2020-25717.html ????????????????? PLEASE [RE-]READ! ????????????????? The instructions have been updated and some workarounds ????????????????? initially adviced for 4.14.10/4.13.14 are no longer required and ????????????????? should be reverted in most cases. Im starting on the builds of 4.13.15 today. So far, Greetz, Louis