I want to track permission changes done in a Windows shared drive that is mapped to a directory in a physical disk managed by Linux. This mapping is done via Samba. I have enabled auditing with the following settings in /etc/samba/smb.conf: [shareddir] (...) vfs objects = full_audit # audit settings full_audit:success = chmod open mkdir rmdir rename create_file fchmod fchown linkat unlinkat full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%m|%S full_audit:failure = none full_audit:facility = local5 full_audit:priority = notice recycle:repository = /home/recycle/ recycle:keeptree = yes recycle:versions = yes When I change permissions on files on the Windows network disk, I expected to see chmod or fchmod events in the log, but I see none. I only see permissions retrieval events such as get_nt_acl (even though I have not requested them in smb.conf), but no fset_nt_acl or the chmod/fchmod events I requested in the first place. Should I add additional events to the full_audit:success list or is that behavior expected? Thanks in advance!