Hi gluster users, I have a few questions about monitoring and statistics. We are about to install a distributed/replicated volume on multiple servers for redundancy and scalability on ubuntu14. How can I ensure that really all files are distributed to multiple servers ? Do I have any chance to see stats anywhere how many replicas of a file are located on which servers or so ? What about adding bricks later, how can I again ensure that after a rebalancing everything is spreaded over the new count of bricks/replicas ? We use icinga2 for monitoring, my best idea to make sure that the fs is available is to write a file incl a timestamp to the fs via cron on any server and to read it from another server and send some passive check result to the icinga server. Any better ideas anyone maybe ? Does a best practise exist therefore ? Also, I would love to see some insight stats in our graphite setup, I already saw diamond-collectors for ceph, does anyone know about similar things for gluster ? thanks in advance, Oliver