Yesterday I inreased my memory speed on my Ryzen box from 2133 to 2400 as I had previously been underclocking it. Ryzens are sensetive to memory clock speed as it affects the speed of the underlying fabric between the cores as well as I understand it, so worth running it at its rated speed. I meausred the improvement by using 'time' on a CPU bound compile. It speeded wall clock time up by abotu the expected amount, but what I found curious looking at the breakdown of the timings reported by time was that. there was no reduction in user time, but a drastic reduction (25%!) in system time. Can anyone explain that ? My only wild theory at the moment is that for a single process the user space component is single threaded and shows no real improvement, but the kerenl, being multi-threaded, will benifit from the speedup of the interconnect between the cores. But I dont know if the timings measures by time wuld actually show that. Interesting though. -pete.