Hello list: This is my first post. I had used previously in an intermittent manner FreeBSD (since 4.5) but now I had changed my three laptops and the 12 computers that I use with my students. The system is excellent, stable, fast, nice... I only have small problems for example with GIMP. When I try to open an image or doing a capture of screen I receive the following message: ----------------------------------------------------------------- El complemento ha fallado: ?screenshot? (/usr/local/libexec/gimp/2.2/plug-ins/screenshot) El complemento que ha fallado puede haber estropeado el estado interno de GIMP. Ser?a conveniente que guardase todas sus im?genes y reiniciase GIMP, para no arriesgarse. ------------------------------------------------------------------ In a free translation could be: "The complement "screenshot" is failed and can broke the internal state of GIMP. It is convenient that you save all your images... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Apparently any messages of error was received during compiling and the same problem has been observed in two different machines. Regards -- ******************************************************** Daniel Pat?n Dom?nguez Numerical Ecology. Ecology Unit Department of Plant Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences Faculty of Sciences. University of Extremadura Avda. Elvas s/n 06071 Badajoz (Spain) http://unex.academia.edu/DanielPatonDominguez https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel_Paton/ http://sites.google.com/site/numericalecologyuex/home ********************************************************