Hi Peter,
On 7/29/19 11:05 AM, Huber, Peter wrote:> We are using nsd 4.2.1-2 and ldsn 1.6
> ?
> The following entry in a zone file leads to an error, when I try to sign
> the zone file:
> uni-wh.de.????????????? CAA??? 0 issue "pki.dfn.de"
This record works fine when I try to read it into the nsd here. But it
is rewritten again when ldns-signzone creates the signed zone file.
What does the record look like in the uni-wh.de.zone.signed file?
What does the record look like in the signed file when you input the
TYPE257 entry? It makes a difference, you noted.
Best regards, Wouter
> ?
> If I change the entry to this one, everything is working:
> uni-wh.de.????????????? IN TYPE257 \# 17 00056973737565706B692E64666E2E6465
> ?
> The error message:
> Zone not read, error: Syntax error, could not parse the RR's rdata at
> uni-wh.de.zone line 25
> ?
> I am using the ldns-signzone to sign the zone.
> ldns-signzone ?vV??? zone signer version 1.6.16 (ldns version 1.6.16)
> ?
> Is this version not able to sign a zone file with a CAA record, only
> with a Type257 record?
> ?
> Kid regards
> Peter
> ?
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