Hi Aleksandr,
On 04/06/16 00:24, Aleksandr Miroslav wrote:> I'm running nsd-4.1.9 on FreeBSD 10.3.
> I'm managing my /usr/local/etc/nsd directory as a git repo. I also have
> aide installed for IDS reasons.
> Every so often, even though I have not changed anything, aide tells me
> that /usr/local/etc/nsd/.git (just that directory, nothing inside), has
> had its ctime/mtime touched.
> Is this nsd doing this?
No. Unless you configured the name "....git" in nsd.conf as a temp
directory (xfrdir) where nsd creates temporary files, in which case it
would create those and thus the directory changes.
Best regards, Wouter
> thanks,
> Alex
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