Hi, i'm looking for work related to UNIX (preferrably FreeBSD), Networking and/or IT Security. I've been working on FreeBSD since before the first release (since 386BSD 0.0) and have been a FreeBSD committer from 1992-2011 mostly developing drivers such as pcvt and isdn4bsd - i'm interested in any type of job that is related to the above mentioned areas, including (but not limited to) contracting, consulting, system administration and developing drivers as well as userland code. My family and i are located in the Hamburg area in northern Germany and i would prefer work that does not require relocation. A short info (in german) is available on https://www.hellmuth-michaelis.de/index.php/ueber/kompetenzen/ an (english or german) cv and project list is available on request. Thanks, Hellmuth -- Hellmuth Michaelis Hallstra?e 20 25462 Rellingen Mobil: +49-160-96455696 Telefon: +49-4101-85299-20 Telefax: +49-4101-85299-21 web: www.hellmuth-michaelis.de mail: hm at hellmuth-michaelis.de