Berwin A Turlach
2022-Jun-18 14:58 UTC
[Rd] Trying to compile R 4.2.x on Linux as 32bit sub-architecture
G'day all, Apologies for not reporting this earlier, but our teaching semester has just finished and I learned from experience not to update my R version to a version that my students were not using. :) When installing R on my Linux machines, I usually install it as a 32bit and a 64bit sub-architecture, with the 64bit one being the default. My main computer also runs daily scripts during the night to install R-patched and R-devel in this manner. However, I now realise that I can neither install R 4.2.0 nor R-patched as a 32bit sub-architecture on my Linux machines (which were running Xubuntu 20.04 but were recently upgraded to Xubuntu 22.04). The installation process always fails at the same test. I attach the relevant file from trying to compile R-patched during last night's run. Hopefully this report is in time before the release of R 4.2.1. :) Or is it time to stop compiling R on Linux as a 32bit sub-architecture? My understanding is that R 4.2.0 on Windows is already provided only as a 64bit binary, not sure what the situation on MacOS is. How long will support for a 32bit version of R on Linux continue? Thank you very much for any help/insight. Cheers, Berwin
Berwin A Turlach
2022-Jun-18 18:30 UTC
[Rd] Trying to compile R 4.2.x on Linux as 32bit sub-architecture
G'day all, On Sat, 18 Jun 2022 22:58:19 +0800 Berwin A Turlach <Berwin.Turlach at> wrote:> [...] I attach the relevant file from trying to compile R-patched > during last night's run.Mmh, on the web-interface to the mailing list I see that the attachment might have been deleted. Perhaps because it was too large? So below the start and the final part from which shows where the error occurs. Cheers, Berwin ---------------------------- R version 4.2.1 RC (2022-06-17 r82501) -- "Funny-Looking Kid" Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/32 (32-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R.> ## Regression tests for R >= 3.4.0[...very large snip...]> ## pretty(x) when range(x) is finite but diff(range(x)) is +/- Inf: > B <- 1e308; 2*B; (s <- seq(-B,B,length.out = 3))[1] Inf [1] -1e+308 0e+00 1e+308> options(warn=1) # => warnings *as they happen* > (ps <- pretty(c(-B,B)))[1] -1e+308 -5e+307 0e+00 5e+307 1e+308> ## Warning in pretty.default(c(-B, B)) : > ## Internal(pretty()): very large range 4e+307, corrected to 2.24712e+307 > nps <- length(ps) > dd <- sum((dps <- diff(ps))/length(dps)) # mean w/o overflow > epsC <- .Machine$double.eps > relD <- (dps/dd - 1)/epsC > relEr <- function(f, y) abs((f-y)/(f+y)*2) # cheap relative error, |f| > 0 ! > stopifnot(is.finite(mean(ps)), ## these all failed without "long-double"+ is.finite(mdp <- mean(dps)), + all.equal(dd, mdp, tolerance=1e-15))> stopifnot(relEr(c(-B,B), ps[c(1L,nps)]) <= 4*epsC,+ -8 <= relD, relD <= 8) # seen [-1.5,.., 3.0]; w/o long-double: [-5, .., 4]> ## ps was 0 Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf 0 , in R <= 4.1.0 > f. <- c(-1.797, -1.79, -1.75, seq(-1.7, -1, by=.1)) > stopifnot(!is.unsorted(f.)) ; f.nm <- setNames(, f.) > fmtRng <- function(x) paste(format(range(x)), collapse=", ") > ns <- c(2:12, 15, 20, 30, 51, 100, 2001, 1e5) > nms.n <- formatC(ns, digits=0, format="f") > nmsRng <- c(t(outer(paste0("r",1:2), c("lo","hi"), paste, sep="."))) > rr <- matrix(NA, length(ns), 4, dimnames=list(nms.n, nmsRng)) > for(i.n in seq_along(ns)) {+ n <- ns[i.n] + cat("n = ", n,":\n--------\n") + pBL <- lapply(f., function(f) structure(pretty(c(f*1e308, 2^1023.9), n), f=f)) + ## -> a warning per f + n.s <- lengths(pBL) # how close to target 'n' ?? + cat("lengths(.) in [", fmtRng(n.s), "]\n") + if(n <= 15) stopifnot(n.s <= 20)# seen {14,..,17} + else stopifnot(abs(n.s/n - 1) <= 1/2) + if(n) cat("length(.) <> n relative err in [", fmtRng(n.s/n - 1), "]\n") + ## .pretty(*, bounds=FALSE) : + prM <- t(sapply(f.nm, function(f) + unlist( .pretty(c(f*1e308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds=FALSE) ))) + print(prM) + luM <- prM[,c("ns","nu")] * prM[,"unit"] # the pretty-scaled unit + r1 <- luM[,"ns"] / (f.nm*1e308) + rr[i.n, 1:2] <- r1 <- range(r1) + cat(sprintf("range(r1): [%g, %g]\n", r1[1], r1[2])) + r2 <- luM[,"nu"] / 2^1023.9 + rr[i.n, 3:4] <- r2 <- range(r2) + cat(sprintf("range(r2): [%g, %g]\n", r2[1], r2[2])) + stopifnot(exprs = { is.matrix(prM) + prM[,"nu"] - prM[,"ns"] == prM[,"n"] # could differ, but not for this data + identical(colnames(prM), c("ns", "nu", "n", "unit")) + ## These bounds depend on 'n' : + r1 >= if(n <= 12) 0.55 else 0.89 + r1 <= if(n <= 15) 1.4 else 1.1 + r2 >= if(n <= 12) 0.58 else 0.95 + r2 <= if(n <= 15) 1 else 1.025 + }) + invisible(lapply(pBL, function(ps) { + mdB <- sum((dB <- diff(ps))/length(dB)) + rd <- dB/mdB - 1 # relative differences + ## print(range(rd)) + x <- c(attr(ps,"f")*1e308, 2^1023.9) + stopifnot(if(n >= 1) abs(rd) <= n * 3e-15 else TRUE, + ps[1] <= x[1] , x[2] <= ps[length(ps)]) + })) + } n = 2 : -------- Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.73715e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.73365e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.71365e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.68865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.63865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.58865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.53865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.48865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in pretty.default(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.43865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 lengths(.) in [ 1, 3 ] length(.) <> n relative err in [ -0.5, 0.5 ] Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.73715e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.73365e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.71365e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.68865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.63865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.58865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.53865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.48865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 Warning in .pretty(c(f * 1e+308, 2^1023.9), n, bounds = FALSE) : R_pretty(): very large range 'cell'=1.43865e+308, corrected to 1.43815e+308 ns nu n unit -1.797 0 0 0 Inf -1.79 0 0 0 Inf -1.75 0 0 0 Inf -1.7 0 0 0 Inf -1.6 0 0 0 Inf -1.5 0 0 0 Inf -1.4 0 0 0 Inf -1.3 0 0 0 Inf -1.2 0 0 0 Inf -1.1 -1 1 2 1e+308 -1 -1 1 2 1e+308 range(r1): [NaN, NaN] range(r2): [NaN, NaN] Error: r1 >= if (n <= 12) 0.55 else 0.89 are not all TRUE Execution halted