On 8 May 2022 at 19:12, Micha? Bojanowski wrote:
| I installed R 4.2.0 on Ubuntu (from CRAN apt repository) and some
| startup errors lead me to Renviron.site and it's last line:
| Note the unmatched single quote just before the closing double quote.
| That's a typo, is it not?
Good catch, thank you, and fixed!
I altered that file / carried the setting over from Renviron at the beginning
of the test cycle in the first or second alpha release. The extra apostrophe
does not seem to have created an issue during all those tests, or since,
under either Debian or Ubuntu. So three cheers to R for robustly parsing
configs I may have messed up ;-)
(And if I may: a more focussed venue for a bug report may have been the
r-sig-debian list for R on Debian/Ubuntu, or a bug report at bugs.debian.org,
or an email to me. My name is at the top of the file. No point in sending it
to every mailbox of r-devel subscribers.)
Thanks again, Dirk
dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org