I'm pleased to announce release 0.4 of oVirt. This is mostly a bugfix release; a lot of the underlying infrastructure has been changed around, which should make further development easier. Nevertheless, there are a few new features: * New "bundled" mode of installation, which provides all services and can manage physical machines * Improved installation for developer and bundled mode * Easy transition from developer to bundled mode and back * Ability to use NFS as a backing store for guest images In addition, we have a new website look, although navigation is almost exactly the same as before. Installation instructions are available here: http://ovirt.org/install-instructions.html To checkout this release from the source repository, you'll want to: $ git clone git://git.et.redhat.com/ovirt.git $ cd ovirt $ git checkout --track -b release-0.4 origin/release-0.4 Thanks to everyone who contributed ideas, patches, and documentation!