Hi all, I have 71 raster for each year. I am trying to convert all raster layer to 1 array (94 ,192 , 71) and then ? would calculate for each word cell a linear regression that shows the change but i dont know how ? can do this For creating array with rasters between 1949 and 2019 library(raster) r<-raster("C:/max_consecutive_days_1949.tif") a<-array(NA,dim=c(dim(r)[1:2],71)) i <- 1 for (year in 1949:2019) { fi<-paste0("C:/ max_consecutive_days_",year,".tif") r<-raster(fi) a[,,i]<-getValues(r,format="matrix") i<-i+1 } Windows 10 i?in Posta<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> ile g?nderildi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]