George Trojan - NOAA Federal
2017-Apr-21 15:54 UTC
[R] Interesting quirk with fractions and rounding
The subject is messy. I vaguely remember learning this stuff on my first numerical analysis course over 40 years ago. The classic reference material (much newer, only 25 years old) is: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic, David Goldberg, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 23, No 1, 1991. Available here: George I suggest you read some basic books on numerical analysis and/or talk> with a numerical analyst. You are (like most of us) an amateur at this > sort of thing trying to reinvent wheels. If you are concerned with > details, talk with experts. Don't assume what you don't know. This > list is *not* a reliable source of such expertise, although there > *are* individuals in the R universe with considerable knowledge who > may or may not choose to respond. > Cheers, > Bert > Bert Gunter > "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along > and sticking things into it." > -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 5:19 AM, Paul Johnson <pauljohn32 at <>> wrote:>* We all agree it is a problem with digital computing, not unique to R. I*>* don't think that is the right place to stop. *>>* What to do? The round example arose in a real funded project where 2 R *>* programs differed in results and cause was that one person got 57 and *>* another got 58. The explanation was found, but its less clear how to *>* prevent similar in future. Guidelines, anyone? *>>* So far, these are my guidelines. *>>* 1. Insert L on numbers to signal that you really mean INTEGER. In R, *>* forgetting the L in a single number will usually promote whole calculation *>* to floats. *>* 2. S3 variables are called 'numeric' if they are integer or double storage. *>* So avoid "is.numeric" and prefer "is.double". *>* 3. == is a total fail on floats *>* 4. Run print with digits=20 so we can see the less rounded number. Perhaps *>* start sessions with "options(digits=20)" *>* 5. all.equal does what it promises, but one must be cautious. *>>* Are there math habits we should follow? *>>* For example, Is it generally true in R that (100*x)/y is more accurate than *>* 100*(x/y), if x > y? (If that is generally true, couldn't the R *>* interpreter do it for the user?) *>>* I've seen this problem before. In later editions of the game theory program *>* Gambit, extraordinary effort was taken to keep values symbolically as *>* integers as long as possible. Avoid division until the last steps. Same in *>* Swarm simulations. Gary Polhill wrote an essay about the Ghost in the *>* Machine along those lines, showing accidents from trusting floats. *>>* I wonder now if all uses of > or < with numeric variables are suspect. *>>* Oh well. If everybody posts their advice, I will write a summary. *>>* Paul Johnson *>* University of Kansas *>>* On Apr 21, 2017 12:02 AM, "PIKAL Petr" <petr.pikal at <>> wrote: *>>>* Hi *>>>>* The problem is that people using Excel or probably other such spreadsheets *>>* do not encounter this behaviour as Excel silently rounds all your *>>* calculations and makes approximate comparison without telling it does so. *>>* Therefore most people usually do not have any knowledge of floating point *>>* numbers representation. *>>>>* Cheers *>>* Petr *>>>>* -----Original Message----- *>>* From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at <>] On Behalf Of Paul *>>* Johnson *>>* Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 11:56 PM *>>* To: R-help <r-help at <>> *>>* Subject: [R] Interesting quirk with fractions and rounding *>>>>* Hello, R friends *>>>>* My student unearthed this quirk that might interest you. *>>>>* I wondered if this might be a bug in the R interpreter. If not a bug, it *>>* certainly stands as a good example of the dangers of floating point numbers *>>* in computing. *>>>>* What do you think? *>>>>* > 100*(23/40) *>>* [1] 57.5 *>>* > (100*23)/40 *>>* [1] 57.5 *>>* > round(100*(23/40)) *>>* [1] 57 *>>* > round((100*23)/40) *>>* [1] 58 *>>>>* The result in the 2 rounds should be the same, I think. Clearly some *>>* digital number devil is at work. I *guess* that when you put in whole *>>* numbers and group them like this (100*23), the interpreter does integer *>>* math, but if you group (23/40), you force a fractional division and a *>>* floating point number. The results from the first 2 calculations are not *>>* actually 57.5, they just appear that way. *>>>>* Before you close the books, look at this: *>>>>* > aa <- 100*(23/40) *>>* > bb <- (100*23)/40 *>>* > all.equal(aa,bb) *>>* [1] TRUE *>>* > round(aa) *>>* [1] 57 *>>* > round(bb) *>>* [1] 58 *>>>>* I'm putting this one in my collection of "difficult to understand" *>>* numerical calculations. *>>>>* If you have seen this before, I'm sorry to waste your time. *>>>>* pj *>>* -- *>>* Paul E. Johnson <> *>>* Director, Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis *>>* <> *>>>>* To write to me directly, please address me at pauljohn at <>. *>>>>* ______________________________________________ *>>* R-help at <> mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see *>>* <> *>>* PLEASE do read the posting guide <> *>>* posting-guide.html *>>* and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. *>>>>* ________________________________ *>>* Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou *>>* ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. *>>* Jestli?e jste obdr?el(a) tento e-mail omylem, informujte laskav? *>>* neprodlen? jeho odes?latele. 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