Hey, I am using "frailtyPenal" to fit a general joint model: I got a "Model did not converge" message, and I guess it is because I miss specify something in the command: "Call: frailtyPenal(formula = Surv(Time_final_mes_cor, BD_RE2.Re_IC1_cor) ~ cluster(BD_RE2.e_b_id) + (BD_RE2.X.a_probnp_bnpR) + (BD_RE2.ae_presencia_Cizquierda) + (BD_RE2.CKD_EPI60) + terminal(BD_RE2.death1_cor), formula.terminalEvent = ~(BD_RE2.X.a_probnp_bnpR) + (BD_RE2.ae_presencia_Cizquierda) + (BD_RE2.CKD_EPI60), data = BD_AV, recurrentAG = FALSE, jointGeneral = TRUE, n.knots = 20, kappa c(10000, 10000), maxit = 700, LIMlogl = 0.0142) General Joint gamma frailty model for recurrent and a terminal event processes using a Penalized Likelihood on the hazard function Convergence criteria: parameters = 6.81e-09 likelihood = 0.0115 gradient = 1 n= 2473 n recurrent events= 406 n terminal events= 195" Any idea??? Cause PC computing takes hours to "fit/non-fit" this model. Thanks, Andreu Ferrero Gregori [[alternative HTML version deleted]]