Mehmet Dogan
2016-Jan-08 00:23 UTC
[R] Please help with volatility calculation in R (For my thesis)
Dear Sir or Madam, Since long time I am trying to complete my thesis, but was not able to complete due to the problem with R program. I do have R_codes (attached), but I just can calculate the parameters with the attached code. (EUR/USD currency pair, weekends are excluded thanks to code attached). I could not calculate the average volatility for 10 minutes intervals. I need to calculate average volatility for 10 minutes time intervals of my data set and plot them the results in one plot as in the sample attached(plot_example.png based on the GARCH(1,1), EGARCH(1,1) and TGARCH(1,1) models. My codes are not enough to do it. I am wondering if you could help me with my thesis. Many many thanks in advance, Yours sincerely, Mehmet Dogan +48 732 926 877 mehmetdogan_07 at -- Mehmet Dogan m.dogan at +48 732 926 877 --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. -------------- next part -------------- setwd("D:\\NewThesis") # installation of needed packages install.packages("fBasics") install.packages("tseries") install.packages("car") install.packages("FinTS") install.packages("fGarch") install.packages("rugarch") # Library Installations library(xts) library(fBasics) # e.g. basicStats() library(tseries)# e.g. jarque.bera.test() library(car) # e.g. durbinWatsonTest() library(FinTS) # e.g. ArchTest() library(fGarch) # e.g. garchFit() library(rugarch) # e.g. ugarchfit() source("functions/TSA_lab06_functions.R") # Data import EUR <- read.csv("Data_Forecast/EURUSD.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #o import data # First and last 6 data head(EUR) tail(EUR) # formatting the date and time - without the need for a lubridate package EUR$Date <- strptime(EUR$Date, format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") str(EUR) # The code was not working as you should not use the as.Date() function # which only works on dates (not times) EUR <- EUR[EUR$Date >= strptime("2015-01-01 23:00:00", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),] # now it works # we need just weekdays wday_ <- as.POSIXlt(EUR$Date)$wday EUR <- EUR[!wday_ %in% c(0,6) ,] # lets create vector of hours and minutes based on the existing data hour_ <- as.POSIXlt(EUR$Date)$hour minute_ <- as.POSIXlt(EUR$Date)$min ########################################################################### # Exclude first and last 5 minutes exclude_ <- ((hour_ == 23 & minute_ < 6) | (hour_ == 22 & minute_ > 55) )*1 EUR <- EUR[exclude_ == 0,] head(EUR) tail(EUR) # xts object creation EUR.xts<-xts(EUR$Close,EUR$Date) # plot of original close pricess plot(EUR$Date,EUR$Close,type="l", col="blue", main="EUR/USD") # log-returns calculation EUR$r<-diff.xts(log(EUR$Close)) # log returns plot plot(EUR$Date,EUR$r,type="l", col="red", main="Log-returns of USD/JPY") abline(h=0,col="gray",lty=2) #abline functions adds line to the plot ############################################################################# #GARCH MODEL # remove missing values and zeroes data_ <- EUR[!$r) & EUR$r!=0,] k.garch11<-garchFit(~garch(1,1), data = 100*data_$r, include.mean=F, cond.dist= "norm", # conditional distribution of errors trace=FALSE) # if we don't want to see history of iterations summary(k.garch11) # lets see if the model converges on a shorter sample k.garch11<-garchFit(~garch(1,1), data = 100*data_$r[1:15000], include.mean=F, cond.dist= "norm", # conditional distribution of errors trace=FALSE) # if we don't want to see history of iterations k.garch11<-garchFit(~garch(1,1), data = 100*data_$r[-c(1:15000)], include.mean=F, cond.dist= "norm", # conditional distribution of errors trace=FALSE) # if we don't want to see history of iterations plot(100*data_$r[30000:32000], type="l") which(100*data_$r > 0.9) k.garch11<-garchFit(~garch(1,1), data = 100*data_$r[-15000], include.mean=F, cond.dist= "norm", # conditional distribution of errors trace=FALSE) # if we don't want to see history of iterations summary(k.garch11) # Does the best model have all parameters significant? # Let's assume that the final model is GARCH(1,1) str(k.garch11) # 7. # Plot of conditional variance estimates par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(k.garch11 at data, # @data = original data values type="l",col="red",ylab="r",main="Log-returns of EUR/USD") plot(k.garch11 at h.t, # @h.t = conditional variance type="l",col="blue", ylab="cvar",main="Estimated Volatility of EUR/USD") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # Do standardized residuals come from normal distribution? stdres<-k.garch11 at residuals/sqrt(k.garch11 at h.t) hist(stdres,breaks=20,prob=T, main="Histogram of standardized residuals \n from GARCH(1,1) for EUR/USD") # lets add a normal density curve for # sample mean and variance curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(stdres,na.rm=T), sd=sd(stdres,na.rm=T)), col="darkblue", lwd=2, add=TRUE) # Jarque-Bera test jarque.bera.test(stdres) # normalit yrejected # Durbin Watson test durbinWatsonTest(lm(stdres~1), max.lag=5) # lets check first 5 orders # ARCH effects among standardized residuals ArchTest(stdres,lags=5) # How should we interpret these statistics? ########################################################################################################### # The EGARCH model ######################################################################### # Let's examine whether conditional variance reacts asymmetrically # to the news arriving to the market. # Below estimation of the EGARCH(1,1) model. # ugarchfit() from rugarch package # lets first define a model specification spec = ugarchspec(# variance equation variance.model=list(model="eGARCH",garchOrder=c(1,1)), # sGARCH would stand for standard GARCH model # mean equation mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(0,0),include.mean=F), # assumed distribution of errors distribution.model="norm") # function doesn't accept missing values k.egarch11 = ugarchfit( spec=spec, data=na.omit(EUR$r)) k.egarch11 # coefficient alpha captures the sign effect and gamma the size effect # alpha is negative and significant, so the asymmetry is found # Plot of conditional standard deviation estimates (3) # and News-Impact curve (12). # ESC to exit plot(k.egarch11) ########################################################################## # The TGARCH model ################################################################### # lets first define a model specification spec = ugarchspec(# variance equation variance.model=list(model="fGARCH",garchOrder=c(1,1), submodel="TGARCH"), # model="fGARCH" (family GARCH) together with submodel="TGARCH" # mean equation mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(0,0),include.mean=F), # assumed distribution of errors distribution.model="norm") # function doesn't accept missing values k.tgarch11 = ugarchfit( spec=spec, data=na.omit(EUR$r)) k.tgarch11 # Plot of News-Impact curve (12). # ESC to exit plot(k.tgarch11) # What is our conclusion? # Do we see asymmetry in the conditional variance function? # CAUTION !!! ### all above options can be combined !!! HOW???? -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: plot_example.png Type: image/png Size: 112997 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>