Hello. I am drawing a graph using graphviz. It works but now, I am trying to use some palettes from the RColorBrewer pakcage. Any idea why this diagram works when the code (in .Rmd) is ```{r, engine='dot', echo=F} digraph unix{ ? size=30; ? ratio=compress; ? ? param [label="? Contrastes param?tricos? ", shape=oval, ?????????? style="filled,rounded,diagonals", fillcolor=dodgerblue3, ?????????? fontcolor=gray90]; ? ``` but it doesn't work if I try to use some colors of any palette ```{r, echo=FALSE} library("RColorBrewer") colores <- brewer.pal(11,"PiYG") ``` ```{r, engine='dot', echo=F} digraph unix{ ? size=30; ? ratio=compress; ? ? param [label="? Contrastes param?tricos? ", shape=oval, ?????????? style="filled,rounded,diagonals", fillcolor=colores[1], ?????????? fontcolor=gray90]; ? ``` Thank you very much!! ------ Aurora Gonz?lez Vidal Secci?n Apoyo Estad?stico. Servicio de Apoyo a la Investigaci?n (SAI). Vicerrectorado de Investigaci?n. Universidad de Murcia Edif. SACE . Campus de Espinardo. 30100 Murcia @. aurora.gonzalez2 at um.es T. 868 88 7315 F. 868 88 7302 www.um.es/sai www.um.es/ae [[alternative HTML version deleted]]