Is it possible to reproduce the eye-diagram described here from the topic model/ and shown here: The code do not work in processing as suggested by the author and the outhor seems not to be interested in developing the code further. Here is a toy topic model using yahoo headline news to start with. ############################################################### library(XML) source <- "" d <- htmlParse(source) text <-, "//ul[contains(@class,'newsheadlines')]/following::ul/li/a", xmlValue)) colnames(text) <- c("topics") fix(text) library(stm) #Stemming/stopword removal textss <- textProcessor(text$topics, metadata=text) #str(textss) model <- stm(textss$documents, textss$vocab, K=10, data=textss$meta, seed=5678) labelTopics(model) plot.STM(model, text.cex=0.8, type='summary', xlim=c(0, 0.5), n=4) #How can we create an eye-diagram with document-topic-words