Hello,? I use asRules from the Rattle package to make rules of a rpart decision tree: asRules(rpart1). It gives a rule such as (don't mind the data, it's merely testdata):? ?Rule number: 18 [Product=153 cover=3 (1%) prob=0.00] ? ?TotalChildren>=4.5 ? ?Education=Bachelors,Partial College,Partial High School ? ?Gender=F ? ?Occupation=Skilled Manual Then I want to save it so I use: rules <-asRules(rpart1) but it saves it as an integer. When I view "rules" I only see one column of integers. Not the data like the example above. Preferably I would like to have that data in a dataframe.? The reproducible example can be found here:? mediafire.com/download/8qqzq3qqu2mlmb1/decision+tree+rules+example.RData The rpart tree is made with this: rpart1 <- rpart(Product ~ ., data=subset5, method="class", control=rpart.control(minbucket=2,minsplit=1, cp=-1)) Hope someone can help me out. Thanks!