hi, if you're looking for kind of "personal YP" for your icecast and have php on your server, the few lines below may help... cheers, u. -- radio aporee http://aporee.org/maps/ <? $email = "you at mail.com"; if($_REQUEST['action'] == "remove"){ mail($email,'YP debug: remove stream',print_r($_REQUEST,true)); header("YPResponse: 1"); header("YPMessage: Deleted server info."); } if($_REQUEST['action'] == "add"){ mail($email,'YP debug: add stream',print_r($_REQUEST,true)); header("YPResponse: 1"); header("YPMessage: Successfully added."); header("SID: your_session_id"); header("TouchFreq: 250"); } if($_REQUEST['action'] == "touch"){ mail($email,'YP debug: update stream',print_r($_REQUEST,true)); header("YPResponse: 1"); header("YPMessage: Updated server info."); } ?>