I just recently did an upgrade from Icecast 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 and at the same time realized I was still running Ices 2.0-Beta2 so I upgraded it to 2.0.1. Before the upgrade I was being listed in the Xiph directory just as expected... Now, I'm listed but, this is me: http://dir.xiph.org/index.php?sgenre=&stype=&search=unspecified+name You'll notice there's no data other than the current song and mount point. Is there some subtle settings change that I've overlooked for this upgrade? The Ices stream is obviously marked public... it is getting published. The Icecast admin page shows all the data that I'd be expecting to see in the directory listing. I run Ices on a private network which connects to a local Icecast server. The public Icecast server then connects as a relay to the private Icecast server on demand. Could this be a curl problem? I'm using libcurl 7.15.0. I don't think so, as the YP server is getting the data that's sent (see the log below). Does Icecast use libxml to read the data? I compiled with libxml2 2.6.22. I don't see any problems in the log, here's a relevant snippet: error.log [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node listeners (0) [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node public (1) [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node server_name (Unspecified name) [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node server_description (Unspecified description) [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node genre (various) [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node server_type (application/ogg) [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node subtype (vorbis) [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node on_demand (1) [2006-03-19 00:00:40] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node max_listeners (unlimited) [2006-03-19 00:01:26] DBUG yp/send_to_yp YP touch at http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi succeeded