Hi all, I thought I posted these as patches on the list years ago but never got around to following up to them. And I haven't followed FLAC development in about as long. These were tested (and still currently run) on my ARM7TDMI (ipod 3g running ipodlinux). You can download/view the patches individually here or just pull the git repo or tarball: http://git.bogomips.org/cgit/flac-arm-1.1.3.git/ Keep in mind that these were only for 1.1.3 and I'm not sure if they're still relevant for current versions of flac, but if somebody wants to modify/use them for other ARM projects and get them merged up for inclusion, feel free to do so. I have no time to continue development on these. There are some caveats/warnings in the original commit messages there, so please be aware of them. I've had these running for several years now without any problems, though. -- Eric Wong