> I saw this come across the wire today...freecraft appears to be some kind
> RPG, which seems to have recently started to use FLAC in some way. I have
Its a nice almost-clone of the progenitor of the latest wave of real time
strategy games, Warcraft II.
> not investigated this any further, but I thought it might interest members
> of this list to know of new usage of FLAC.
> --
> - mdz
> --rwEMma7ioTxnRzrJ
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> From: David Mart=EDnez Moreno <ender@debian.org>
> To: debian-devel-changes@lists.debian.org
> X-Katie: $Revision: 1.10 $
> Subject: Accepted freecraft 1.17pre1build17-1 (i386 source)
> Message-Id: <E16xFUP-0002pv-00@auric.debian.org>
> Sender: Archive Administrator <katie@auric.debian.org>
> Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 19:02:25 -0400
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> Content-Type: application/pgp; format=3Dtext; x-action=3Dsign
> X-Spam-Status: No, hits=3D0.0 required=3D5.0 tests=3D version=3D2.11
> Hash: SHA1
> Format: 1.7
> Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 00:14:32 +0200
> Source: freecraft
> Binary: freecraft
> Architecture: source i386
> Version: 1.17pre1build17-1
> Distribution: unstable
> Urgency: medium
> Maintainer: David Mart=EDnez Moreno <ender@debian.org>
> Changed-By: David Mart=EDnez Moreno <ender@debian.org>
> Description:
> freecraft - Realtime fantasy strategy game for Unix and X.
> Closes: 54455 110165 137275 137338 137737 139835 140537 140882 141517
> Changes:
> freecraft (1.17pre1build17-1) unstable; urgency=3Dmedium
> .
> * New upstream release. This is build17.
> * CVS sync as of 8 Apr 2002 (closes: #139835). The relevant changes (for
> gory details see /usr/share/doc/freecraft/doc/Changelog.html) are:
> - This release fixes several crashes observed by the most extensive
> that freecraft in Debian has: Daniel Burrows (that I've noticed,
> there are others :-) .
> - CD player support for libcda, SDL and madmp3.
> - Flac, OGG and MP3 audio format added (not compiled in because are
> unstable yet).
> - Randomize start positions in network play, by Daniel Burrows
> #137737).
> - Added a lot of new displayings.
> - Added more unit selection tools.
> - Units now has an autogenerated name :-).
> - Added big map mode (Alt-B, Ctrl-B).
> - A lot of cosmetic issues (scrolling credits, pictures between
> missions, stereo sound for missiles and units...)
> - Fixed a bunch of other bugs.
> * debian/control:
> - Dropped definitely the bogus dependency on libsdl1.2debian-all, as
> Daniel Burrows has nicely explained to me with patience (many thanks
> Daniel). Also modified the description accordingly. This closes:
> - Depends: on new release of fcmp, because the old causes freecraft to
> segfault sometimes (almost always for me).
> - **Architectures field changed back to 'any'**. I'd like
comments on this
> issue, please. Is freecraft working on your
> well? I'll keep looking at the autobuilders logs, but user
experience is
> the most reliable test. Closes: #140537.
> * Compiled in with SDL_CD support. The rest of the new features (Flac,
> MP3...) will have to wait.
> * Commented out the line #include "rdtsc.h" in
src/map/map_{draw,fog}.c and
> src/ai/new_ai.c that were preventing freecraft from being compiled on
> the Debian architectures. This should deal with several open bugs.
> see...(closes: #54455, #110165).
> * Compiled with -fsigned-char because the code is making a lot of
> assumptions about the signedness of char data type. This deals with
> remaining part of #137338 and closes #140882, so closes: #137338,
> Still remain probably many errors about signedness of other data
> Please report them and send patches if you can.
> * Also included the tools in /usr/lib/games/freecraft for converting the
> original WarCraft II artwork to data format understood by freecraft,
> I'm not really supporting them yet (you're warned).
> * debian/rules: Added support for debian/patches.
> * Moved most of my modifications to debian/patches, as well as the CVS
> * Corrected freecraft.6 manpage, and added yet more stuff to it (closes:
> #141517). At last we'll have a complete manpage, after all. :-)
> Files:
> 0f559d1dace26fa530aebda09d3ec15b 796 games optional
> 21e92ef0f2e432a84dfda158cc52705f 1283971 games optional
> 0aa6251a9f45a674c4a6ac2db474cfdb 53551 games optional
> e591e4fab43ee9c455e344a7a662b6d4 485278 games optional
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
> iD8DBQE8u1P6Ws/EhA1iABsRAsdQAKClvS6GkSheke5qGwj7Di/c/dFyoQCfdZae
> rOT5WcVElWtnKamAd9GpHF0=3D
> =3Dfqch
> Accepted:
> freecraft_1.17pre1build17-1.diff.gz
> to pool/main/f/freecraft/freecraft_1.17pre1build17-1.diff.gz
> freecraft_1.17pre1build17-1.dsc
> to pool/main/f/freecraft/freecraft_1.17pre1build17-1.dsc
> freecraft_1.17pre1build17-1_i386.deb
> to pool/main/f/freecraft/freecraft_1.17pre1build17-1_i386.deb
> freecraft_1.17pre1build17.orig.tar.gz
> to pool/main/f/freecraft/freecraft_1.17pre1build17.orig.tar.gz
> --
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> --rwEMma7ioTxnRzrJ--
> --__--__--
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