I've lowered the recording to a 16 kHz sample rate and set the encoding
quality to 8 and I've achieved a ratio around 2:1 (twice more sample
recorded than compressed), which is way better than the one for 44.1 kHz
recorded samples, but still doesn't work as I want to. If I set the
recording to 8 kHz the compression works great in real time.
The FIXED_POINT is set in the config.h. Any ideas on what settings should I
modify to improve the 16 Khz compression.
Thanks in advance,
Alex Bumbu
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 7:25 PM, Alex Bumbu <alex.bumbu at gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use Speex for real time encoding in an iPhone project but
> having latency problems. I appreciate any tips you may provide for speeding
> things up.
> The recording callback is providing 1024 samples (mono, frequency: 44100
> Hz, of type short) every 23 ms (1024.0 / 44100.0). I'm saving the
samples in
> a buffer and use them in the encoding thread (set for mode: wide band - 16
> Khz), but for every frame of 320 samples it takes ~40 ms, so soon the
> runs out of space and it'll start missing samples.
> I've tried lowering the quality and setting the recorder frequency to
> Khz but didn't worked.
> Is there any way to optimize the encoding so it can keep up with the
> recording?
> Below you can find the code I'm using. Maybe you notice some obvious
> problems.
> - (void)initSpeexEncoder {
> speex_bits_init(&speexBits);
> speexEncoderState = speex_encoder_init(&speex_wb_mode);
> // get the frame size (expressed in samples)
> speexFrameSize = 0;
> speex_encoder_ctl(speexEncoderState, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &
> speexFrameSize);
> // set quality parameter that controls the quality vs bit-rate
> tradeoff
> UInt8 speexEncodingQuality = 10; // values from 0 to 10 (inclusively)
> speex_encoder_ctl(speexEncoderState, SPEEX_SET_QUALITY,
> &speexEncodingQuality);
> // alloc the buffer
> _compressedSpeexBufferSize = 1024;
> _compressedSpeexBuffer = malloc(_compressedSpeexBufferSize);
> }
> - (void)freeSpeexEncoder {
> speex_bits_destroy(&speexBits);
> speex_encoder_destroy(speexEncoderState);
> free(_compressedSpeexBuffer);
> _compressedSpeexBufferSize = 0;
> }
> - (void)encodeThread {
> // alloc buffer to hold the specified amount of short type samples
> short *input = malloc(speexFrameSize * sizeof(short));
> while (recording) {
> // proceed only if we have enough samples for a frame
> if (_toCompressBuffer.size >= speexFrameSize * sizeof(short)) {
> // fill frame with samples
> //memcpy(input, _toCompressBuffer.data, speexFrameSize *
> sizeof(short));
> // process one frame at a time
> NSLog(@"Start encode");
> speex_bits_reset(&speexBits);
> //speex_encode_int(speexEncoderState, input, &speexBits);
> speex_encode_int(speexEncoderState, _toCompressBuffer.data,
> speexBits); // without using extra buffer
> UInt16 nbBytes = speex_bits_write(&speexBits,
> _compressedSpeexBuffer, _compressedSpeexBufferSize);
> NSLog(@"Ended encode");
> static int processedBytes = 0;
> processedBytes += speexFrameSize * sizeof(short);
> NSLog(@"Processed bytes: %d", processedBytes);
> if (nbBytes) {
> // write to file
> // first write the header (2 bytes)
> // the header must contain the number of compressed bytes
> for a frame
> static bool once = NO;
> if (!once) {
> [file writeData: [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:
> length: sizeof(nbBytes)]];
> once = YES;
> }
> // write encoded data
> [file writeData: [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:
> _compressedSpeexBuffer length: nbBytes]];
> // remove from buffer -- one frame
> [_toCompressBuffer removeFirstBytes: speexFrameSize *
> sizeof(short)];
> NSLog(@"Stop encode frame");
> }
> }
> }
> free(input);
> }
> Thanks,
> Alex Bumbu
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