One more thing. The original example decompresses the file to roughly 74924
while my example decompresses to 37440. Like I said, it's about half the
expected size and it plays at twice the speed. It's like I'm missing
every other sample. I suspect the following code in
/*Copy Ogg packet to Speex bitstream*/
speex_bits_read_from(&bits, (char*)oggPacket.packet, oggPacket.bytes);
int numberOfFrames = [[audioAttributes
valueForKey:@"framesPerPacket"] intValue];
for (int i=0;i!=numberOfFrames;i++) {
short int decodedData[MAX_FRAME_SIZE];
speex_decode_int(theSpeexDecoder, &bits, decodedData);
int blockSize = [[audioAttributes valueForKey:@"decodeBlockSize"]
short int rawBlock[blockSize];
for (int count=0; count < blockSize; count++) {
rawBlock[count] = le_short( decodedData[count] );
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(audioWasDecoded:)]) {
NSData *delegatesData = [NSData dataWithBytes:rawBlock length:blockSize];
[delegate performSelector:@selector(audioWasDecoded:)
but I don't see anything wrong here. What am I missing???
Clifton Craig
Software Engineer
clifton.craig at
On May 3, 2010, at 4:15 PM, Clifton Craig wrote:
> I have an audio file compressed by JSpeex that I'm trying to decompress
on the iPhone. I've been trying to work from the speexdec example in an
attempt to port the core logic to ObjC. I have a class that does the decode and
passes the result back to another class. (currently the other class is a unit
test.) My other class is writing the converted output to disk. I compare the
results of my rewrite against the result of running the same file against the
speexdec.c example. I've gotten pretty far as the audio is decompressing. My
problem is that the converted output is half the size that is generated by the
original speexdec.c example. It plays, but it appears to play at double the
speed. I'm certain that there is something I am missing in my algorithm and
if someone could lend a hand I'd be so appreciative. I'm attaching my
unit test as well as my rewritten example in ObjC
> Clifton Craig
> Software Engineer
> clifton.craig at
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