Coffey, Michael a ?crit :> Do you have specific plans for producing a stable release of version
> 1.2? I work for a company that would like to use speex AEC in a product.
All open-source developers will tell you that version numbers don't mean
much. As far as Speex goes, I'll be releasing 1.2 when:
1) I completed all the features/optimisations I currently have in mind
2) I'm happy to freeze the interface (API/ABI) for the new things (AEC,
preprocessor, ...)
3) I've done enough testing to be convinced everything works well enough
and that there's no obvious bug left.
Of these, your company is probably only interested in 3), which doesn't
necessarily require having the first two done.
> I think my bosses would be concerned about using a library that is
> labeled as "beta" and "unstable."
That's not exactly my problem, but you can always remind them that the
"unstable" refers to the interfaces, not necessarily the code
> In the spirit of cooperation, I would be willing to assist the effort in
> any way that I am able.
Then help with 3). Test the features you want and report any problem.
That's far more valuable to you than any version renaming I do. Most
importantly, it means that any bug on your use case will be fixed. Note:
if want to report an AEC failure, I need files that allow me to
reproduce the problem with testecho (and let me know with frame size and
tail size you're using).