Either format is correct. However, there is no quoting or escaping in
the file. So:
- filename1
- file name 1
or without the -
On 1/3/20 1:45 PM, @lbutlr via rsync wrote:> I have seen two main styles in examples for using rsync with exclude-from.
> The first is simply a list of filename, one per line.
> The second is a list of filenames, one per line, prefixed with either a -
or a + to indicate exclude/include. Which is correct?
> Also, none show the correct style with a filname containing spaces, though
I assumed quoting is OK
> Exclude1.txt:
> - filename1
> - ?file name 1?
> Exclude.txt:
> filename1
> ?file name 1?
> Which of these will exclude both filename1 and ?file name 1? anywhere they
appear in the source?
Kevin Korb Phone: (407) 252-6853
Systems Administrator Internet:
FutureQuest, Inc. Kevin at FutureQuest.net (work)
Orlando, Florida kmk at sanitarium.net (personal)
Web page: https://sanitarium.net/
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