L.P.H. van Belle
2019-Aug-26 10:03 UTC
[Samba] Debian Stretch Samba 4.10.7 now available (amd64/i386)
Hai, ? If uploaded the Debian?Stretch Samba 4.10.7 packages. No major changes. ? The Build and Changes logs : http://downloads.van-belle.nl/samba4/Buildlogs/stretch/ ? 1) Choose http or https for you apt, both work, for https you need to : apt-get install apt-transport-https ? 2) Import my public key wget -O - http://apt.van-belle.nl/louis-van-belle.gpg-key.asc | apt-key add - ? 3) (optional) setup a header line for the repo file. echo "# AptVanBelle repo for samba." | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list ? 4) In the line below, change the OS and/or samba version to what you want. echo "deb http://apt.van-belle.nl/debian?stretch-samba410 main contrib non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list ? Have fun with these. ? Greetz, ? Louis