Partha Sarathi
2016-Jan-30 01:33 UTC
[Samba] Fwd: Change notify/Directory enumeration issue with two MAC OS X El Capitan accessing same folder
Hi Folks, We are seeing an issues where two OS X El Capitan clients opened a folder and one of them creates a "New Folder" (untitled folder) and renames it, on the other MAC client explorer the "unititled folder" remains same and unable to access it. Note: The samba version is 4.1.19 and we have not used the vfs_fruit module. attached packet capture where the SMB2 Find responses are failing with STATUS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND for the find requests with "apple double" search pattern. Please filter packets for ip.addr == and at last find requests are having search pattern "._?" etc i.e "apple double" after few SMB2 notify responses. So will this issues fixes by vfs_fruit module or by latest SAMBA ? Regards, --Partha