Hai, ? I've added a very simple but good working script for a Debian?wheezy backported samba. ( 4.1.17 atm ) ? get it here. wget --no-check-certificate https://secure.bazuin.nl/scripts/wheezy-backport-samba-DC.sh ? Just get the script and read the content and change the few?whats needed?before running it. This is a work in progress script, but i tested it and works without errors. ? Rasberry Pi users, switch to debian Jessie for samba 4.1.17. ? Jessie is in frozen state, and about to be released. ( 1-2-3 month i think ) see: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/03/msg00002.html? ? ? ? Greetz, ? Louis