probably since the update to 2.3.1 I can't backup a specific users mailbox.
For backup I use the command 'dsync -o plugin/quota= -f -u user at domain
backup dbox:/backup/dir'
When I execute this command with the -D option, I get to see
(above only Debug messages)
dsync(user at domain): Panic: file mailbox-attribute.c: line 362
(mailbox_attribute_get_stream): assertion failed: (value_r->value !=
NULL || value_r->value_stream != NULL)
dsync(user at domain): Error: Raw backtrace:
/usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xcc724) [0x7f0f15364724] ->
[0x7f0f1536476a] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(i_fatal+0)
[0x7f0f152d524b] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot-storage.so.0(+0x566ac)
[0x7f0f156686ac] -> doveadm(dsync_mailbox_import_attribute+0x4d)
[0x5581a663bf4d] -> doveadm(dsync_brain_sync_mails+0x2ef)
[0x5581a66377ff] -> doveadm(dsync_brain_run+0x2b0) [0x5581a6632e90] ->
doveadm(+0x2960c) [0x5581a661a60c] -> doveadm(+0x2b4f7) [0x5581a661c4f7]
-> doveadm(+0x2c0dc) [0x5581a661d0dc] ->
doveadm(doveadm_mail_try_run+0x205) [0x5581a661da75] ->
doveadm(main+0x475) [0x5581a660cce5] ->
/lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7f0f14ca3c05] ->
doveadm(+0x1be65) [0x5581a660ce65]
my dovecot -n output:
# 2.3.1 (0580a21bf): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# Pigeonhole version 0.5.1 (d9bc6dfe)
# OS: Linux 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 CentOS Linux release
7.4.1708 (Core)? xfs
doveconf: Warning: please set ssl_dh=</etc/dovecot/dh.pem
doveconf: Warning: You can generate it with: dd
if=/var/lib/dovecot/ssl-parameters.dat bs=1 skip=88 | openssl dhparam
-inform der > /etc/dovecot/dh.pem
auth_cache_negative_ttl = 0
auth_cache_size = 100 M
auth_master_user_separator = *
auth_mechanisms = login plain
auth_verbose = yes
auth_verbose_passwords = sha1:16
deliver_log_format = msgid=%m from=%f subject=%s psize=%p status=%$
first_valid_gid = 5000
first_valid_uid = 5000
hostname imap_capability = +XLIST
imap_client_workarounds = tb-extra-mailbox-sep tb-lsub-flags
last_valid_gid = 5000
last_valid_uid = 5000
lmtp_rcpt_check_quota = yes
lmtp_save_to_detail_mailbox = yes
mail_attachment_dir = /storage/mail/attachments
mail_attachment_hash = %{sha512}
mail_gid = 5000
mail_home = /storage/mail/settings/%Ld/%Ln
mail_location = sdbox:/storage/mail/mails/%Ld/%Ln
mail_plugins = zlib quota acl listescape fts fts_lucene
mail_server_admin = mailto:postmaster at domain
mail_uid = 5000
managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope
encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric
relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify
environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart
extracttext imapsieve vnd.dovecot.imapsieve
namespace {
? list = children
? location = sdbox:/storage/mail/mails/%%d/%%n
? prefix = shared/%%u/
? separator = /
? subscriptions = no
? type = shared
namespace inbox {
? inbox = yes
? location ? mailbox Archive {
??? special_use = \Archive
? }
? mailbox Archives {
??? special_use = \Archive
? }
? mailbox Drafts {
??? auto = subscribe
??? special_use = \Drafts
? }
? mailbox "Gesendete Objekte" {
??? special_use = \Sent
? }
? mailbox Junk {
??? special_use = \Junk
? }
? mailbox Sent {
??? auto = subscribe
??? special_use = \Sent
? }
? mailbox "Sent Messages" {
??? special_use = \Sent
? }
? mailbox Trash {
??? auto = subscribe
??? special_use = \Trash
? }
? prefix ? separator = /
? subscriptions = yes
? type = private
passdb {
? args = /etc/dovecot/passwd.masterusers
? driver = passwd-file
? master = yes
? pass = yes
passdb {
? args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
? driver = ldap
plugin {
? acl = vfile:/storage/mail/settings/global-acls:cache_secs=300
? acl_shared_dict = file:/storage/mail/settings/shared-mailboxes
? fts = lucene
? fts_autoindex = yes
? fts_lucene = whitespace_chars=@.
? imapsieve_mailbox1_before =
? imapsieve_mailbox1_causes = COPY
? imapsieve_mailbox1_name = Spam
? imapsieve_mailbox2_before =
? imapsieve_mailbox2_causes = COPY
? imapsieve_mailbox2_from = Spam
? imapsieve_mailbox2_name = *
? mail_log_fields = uid box msgid size subject
? quota = dict:User quota::file:%h/dovecot-quota
? quota_grace = 5%%
? quota_rule = Trash:storage=+5%%
? quota_warning = storage=95%% quota-warning 95 %u
? quota_warning2 = storage=80%% quota-warning 80 %u
? sieve = file:%h/sieve;active=%h/.dovecot.sieve
? sieve_execute_bin_dir = /usr/lib64/dovecot/sieve
? sieve_global_extensions = +vnd.dovecot.pipe +vnd.dovecot.execute
? sieve_pipe_bin_dir = /usr/lib64/dovecot/sieve
? sieve_plugins = sieve_imapsieve sieve_extprograms
? zlib_save = gz
? zlib_save_level = 6
postmaster_address = postmaster at domain
protocols = imap lmtp sieve
service auth {
? unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
??? group = postfix
??? mode = 0600
??? user = postfix
? }
? unix_listener auth-userdb {
??? group = dovemail
??? mode = 0600
??? user = dovemail
? }
service lmtp {
? inet_listener lmtp {
??? address =
??? port = 24
? }
? unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-lmtp {
??? group = postfix
??? mode = 0600
??? user = postfix
? }
service managesieve-login {
? inet_listener sieve {
??? port = 4190
? }
service quota-warning {
? executable = script /usr/local/bin/quota-warning.sh
? unix_listener quota-warning {
??? user = dovemail
? }
? user = dovecot
ssl = required
ssl_cert = </etc/pki/tls/certs/cert.cer
ssl_dh =? # hidden, use -P to show it
ssl_key =? # hidden, use -P to show it
userdb {
? args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
? default_fields = master_user=%u
? driver = ldap
protocol lmtp {
? mail_plugins = zlib quota acl listescape fts fts_lucene sieve
? postmaster_address = postmaster at domain
protocol imap {
? mail_plugins = zlib quota acl listescape fts fts_lucene imap_acl
imap_quota imap_sieve imap_zlib
I tried to rebuild the settings files of this mailbox by deleting them
and restart the service but this didnt help. A reboot did neither.
I dont know where to start fixing this problem, does anyone has an advice?
Thanks in advance