On June 10, 2004 04:48 am, S Buvaneswari wrote:> <P>
> Hi<BR>
> <BR>
> How to install wine programatically based on RedHat or Suse ?<BR>
> <BR>
You'll have to clarify the question.
Do you mean how does one tell if the computer is Red Hat or SuSE or...?
The way I do it is to look for /etc/redhat-release or /etc/SuSE-release
I vaguely remember somewhere someone else testing a more general /etc file but
I can't find it any longer
Or do you mean how to install a rpm from a program
Or do you mean ...
> Regards<BR>
> Bhuvana<BR>
> </P>
> <br><br>
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Bill Medland