Am Do, Jan 27, 2005 at 06:31:08 -0500 schrieb ?B??
???th???:> Hi, I spent days trying to figure this out, and read over the instructions
> on the website over and over. I'm not super advanced with Linux, so I
> might need baby steps. I've tried running Eudora 5.1 (I think
that's the
> version), and I keep on getting missing DLL warnings. I've put those
> in all the directories and made changes to the config file, but not use,
> I'm still supposedly missing one (and it's in there). So, I then
tried to
> install the program from scratch (installshied), but every time I try this,
> it freezes.
Use WineTools:
> I am using the latest version of Wine from an RPM, and I'm running
> Core 3. Ultimately, I'd like to run the Eudora that's sitting in
> mounted drive (haven't created this partition yet, but I guess I'd
> have to make a virtual link? Once I get this working though, I am sure I
Yes, make a symlink to the location you want to integrate *after* the
Base setup of WineTools.
"Never touch a running system! Never run a touching system?
Never run a touchy system!!!"