Debian Bug Tracking System
2016-Dec-03 13:42 UTC
[Pkg-xen-devel] Processed: limit source to xen, tagging 845665, tagging 845664, tagging 845663, tagging 845668, tagging 845670
Processing commands for control at> limit source xenLimiting to bugs with field 'source' containing at least one of 'xen' Limit currently set to 'source':'xen'> tags 845665 + pendingBug #845665 [src:xen] xen: CVE-2016-9385: x86 segment base write emulation lacking canonical address checks Added tag(s) pending.> tags 845664 + pendingBug #845664 [src:xen] xen: CVE-2016-9382: x86 task switch to VM86 mode mis-handled Added tag(s) pending.> tags 845663 + pendingBug #845663 [src:xen] xen: CVE-2016-9386: x86 null segments not always treated as unusable Added tag(s) pending.> tags 845668 + pendingBug #845668 [src:xen] xen: CVE-2016-9383: x86 64-bit bit test instruction emulation broken Added tag(s) pending.> tags 845670 + pendingBug #845670 [src:xen] xen: CVE-2016-9379 CVE-2016-9380: delimiter injection vulnerabilities in pygrub Added tag(s) pending.> thanksStopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 845663: 845664: 845665: 845668: 845670: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact owner at with problems