Hello! I'm currently using Asterisk 11 (due to the fact that Debian Wheezy has Ast 11 in backports - so that I can have security updates from my distribution). I recently played a little with Asterisk to be able to hear internet-radios over the local phones in my home. So I set up a couple of music-on-hold classes to be able to "stream" the radios through Asterisk to the phone(s). I use the "custom" MOH type. I noticed however that asterisk downloads all of the streams the whole time even there is no channel in use which would be using those moh-streams. So my question is: Does Asterisk (maybe in version > 11) allow to have on-demand MOH "custom" streams, i.e. in a way that Asterisk would start an external binary to fetch the stream only when needed - and when not needed the binary would then be killed (using -HUP e.g.). (Please, note that I'm NOT using internet radios for a real MOH - I'm just using the MOH mechanism to play the radio over the phone so _legally_ it is not different from playing internet-radios using any other client.) Thanks!